
Society for Research in

Annual AdultDevelopment Symposium

Preconference of the American Educational Research Association
 San Diego, California
Sunday, April 11th to Monday,April 12th, 2004

Clickhere to download the full program

Formatof Presentations
: The sessions are comprised of interactive, posterpresentations. The emphasis will be on visual presentations accompaniedby dialogues with small groups of people. Most people informallyinteract with presenters in this venue around the posters. A brief[five minute] presentation to the group at large will follow the posterperiod.  Full papers and/or short summaries should be madeavailable.  There are no audio visual aids. Clickhere for more information.

Accommodations: The two main hotels beingusedby AERA and SRAD are the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego and the SanDiego Marriott Hotel and Marina. For information on the AERA conferenceandaccommodations pleasevisit

You may register on-line with the On-lineRegistration Form
or register by mail by downloading and printing the Mail-inRegistration Form

Conference Fees: (*includes membership toSRAD and a subscription to the Journal of AdultDevelopment)

  • Professional $60.00* 
  • Student $35.00* (Student scholarships are available) 

Please note that this year's symposium is taking place inconjunction with the American Educational Research Association(AERA).  In addition to the above fees, attendees are expected toregister for the AERA meeting. 

Payment Options:

To pay online using a credit card please click on theappropriatePayPal icon below. Please note that this will be a secure transaction.

  • Professional $60.00
  • Student $35.00 

Alternatively, you may payby check (made payable to the Societyfor Research in Adult Development). Send to SRAD, 234 Huron Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138

Sunday April 11, 2004


9:00 to 10:00 am     Registration, Informal Coffee Hour


10:00 to 12:00 am   Leadership,Organizational Development, Careers


Emergenics: The role of emergence in development

Mike R. Jay (


The spiraling path tosustainable development: experiential learning spirals and

professional andorganizational development

Bonnie B. Mullinix, Monmouth University, NJ (


Impact of catastrophe onpivotal national leaders vision statements: Correspondences anddiscrepancies in moral reasoning, explanatory style and rumination.

Carl R. Oliver, FieldingGraduate Institute, CA (


Journal-keeping at work:Mining the riches of a career.

Dannelle D. Stevens, Portland State University (

Joanne E. Cooper,University of Hawaii (


Management Issues in Adult Education : Convergent and DivergentApproaches of the Target Group.

Dr. Koen DePryck, Center For Adult Education Antwerpen-Zuid, Belgium (

Sophie Van der Avort, CenterFor Adult Education Antwerpen-Zuid,Belgium (


Stars that crash

Lucas A. H.Commons-Miller, University of California at Irvine (

Michael L. Commons,Harvard Medical School (


12:00 - 1:00 pm  LunchBreak


1:00 - 3:00 pm    DevelopmentStage: Processes and interactions


Bridging the qualitative /quantitative divide: Rasch analysis forresearch in adult development

Trevor G. Bond, James CookUniversity, Australia (


Rasch Scales stage scores of ratings of  vignettes of informed consent in counselor-patientrelationship and their corresponding hierarchical complexity

Ellen Cyr, Salem StateCollege (

Michael Lamport Commons, Harvard Medical School (


Relations betweenaesthetic and ethical development

Albert Erdynast, Antioch University, Los Angeles (

Elizabeth Bloom (

Emily Tannenhauser(


The impact of language on postformal thinking development

Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi, University of British Columbia (


3:00 - 5:00 pm   TeacherDevelopment


Using oral histories toexplore teacher development across the career

Nathalie J. Gehrke, University of Washington (


Effects on apprenticeteachers of a Constructivist education program

David L. Brewer,Democratic Processes Center, Pomona, CA (


Aconstructive-developmental perspective on transforming beliefs throughmathematics teacher professional development.

James K. Hammerman, TERC, Cambridge, MA (


Staff development inhigher education institutions: A comparative case study between a and a Korean university

Chan Lee, Ohio StateUniversity(

Jeeyon Paek, OhioState University (


Too much to do and notenough time to do it?  The Classroom Educator RoleProfile (CERP)

Naomi J. Petersen, IndianaUniversity South Bend (

 Faculty development, organizational context and university improvementin Mexico.

 Jesús Francisco Galaz Fontes, Universidad Autónoma deBaja California, (


5:00 to 5:50 pm   BusinessMeeting: Interactionsabout the program, planning, the field of Adult Development


6:00-8:00  Worshop/ Working Dinner  Hierarchical ComplexityScoring System: How to Score Anything

MichaelLamport Commons, Harvard Medical School  (

April 12, 2004


9:00 - 11:00 am      Education & Learning


Learning style &outcomes in adult education

Dr. Koen DePryck, Center For Adult Education Antwerpen-Zuid, Belgium (

Sophie Van der Avort, CenterFor Adult Education Antwerpen-Zuid,Belgium (


Motivation in thelife-project: Insights from William James, John Dewey, Abraham Maslow, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and Maxine Greene

Jackson Kytle, New School University, NY (


Psychological type andonline dialogue in adult learning

Lin Lin,  Teachers College Columbia University (

Patricia Cranton, Saint Francis Xavier University (


Promoting efficientself-directed learning

Norma S. Saks,UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (

Robert Lebeau, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School(


Cognitive, emotional andbehavioral changes attributable to graduate education

Judith Stevens-Long,Fielding Graduate Institute, CA (

Charles McClintock,Fielding Graduate Institute, CA (

  A Re-forming of thePhases of Meaning in Mezirow’s Transformational Learning Theory

 Diane Erickson, Universityof Alaska Anchorage(

  IntellectualDevelopment and Political Engagement of College Students: Exploring theCognitive and Civic
   Impact of Student-to-Student Deliberative Dialogue


11:00 - 1:00 pm   Identity,Self Concept and Personality


The incorporation ofHIV/AIDS into identity over time:  A qualitativeexploration

Lisa M. Baumgartner,Northern Illinois University (


Growth and stillness:Exploring the connections between theories of personality type andadult development.

Jennifer Garvey Berger,George Mason University (


Age differences involunteering: A mediational model

Barbara P. Huff, ArizonaState University (


Morris A. Okun, Arizona State University (


Literacy educationaccording to an old teacher

Maria Sucupira da Costa Lins,Federal University of Rio de Janeiro  (

Somalis—PastandFuture:  Influences on Healthcare

Barbara Larsen, University of Minnesota ( )

1:00 - 2:00 pm     Lunch


2:00 - 4:00 pm      Adult Relationships


Building blocks forsatisfaction in long-term romantic relationships: Evidence for the complementarity hypothesis of romanticcompatibility

Rense Lange, Southern Illinois University Schoolof Medicine (

Ilona Jerabeck, Plumeus, Inc, Montreal, Quebec (

James Houran, TrueBeginnings, Westlake, TX (


Deconstructingpost-parenthood: A model for parenting independent children

Naama Levitzki, TheHebrew University of Jerusalem (


The role of daily positiveaffect in the resilience process

Anthony Ong, University of Notre Dame (

C. S. Bergeman,University of Notre Dame (

K. A. Wallace,TheUniversity of Montana (

Toni L. Bisconti, University of New Hampshire (


4:00 - 6:00 pm     Spirtuality, Trancendenceand Religion


Developmental levels ofconceptions of compassion of western Buddhist monks and nuns

Albert Erdynast, Antioch University (

Lobsang Rapgay,University of California at Los Angeles (


An order of consciousnessanalysis as an approach to literary criticism

Nancy Nordmann,National-Louis University (


A qualitative study of postautonomous ego development: the bridgebetween postconventional and transcendentways of being 

Dane Hewlett, FieldingGraduate Institute & Villanova University (


Elder Women’sPerspectives on Thriving

Beverly Hardcastle Stanford, Azusa Pacific University (


Why belief in thesupernatural persists into adulthood in some scientists

Nicholas H. K.Commons-Miller, Cambridge Rindge and Latin (

   Existential Predictorsof Psychological Well-Being
  Alejandro Patricio Yanez ( andMark Floyd, University of Nevada