
Society for Research in

Annual AdultDevelopment Symposium

Pre-conference of the Society for Researchin Child Development (SRCD)
Atlanta, Georgia

Marriott Marquis

Grand Ballroom, Salon A
 April 6-7, 2005

Clickhere to download the full program

Click here for a list of presentersand contact information

Formatof Presentations
: The sessions are comprised of interactive, posterpresentations. The emphasis will be on visual presentations accompaniedby dialogues with small groups of people. Most people informallyinteract with presenters in this venue around the posters. A brief[five minute] presentation to the group at large will follow the posterperiod.  Full papers and/or short summaries should be madeavailable.  There are no audio visual aids. Clickhere for more information.

Accommodations: The two main hotels beingusedby SRCD are the Marriott Marquis and the Hilton Atlanta. For information about the SRCDconferenceandaccommodations pleasevisit

You may register on-line with the On-lineRegistration Form
or register by mail by downloading and printing the Mail-inRegistration Form

Conference Fees: (*includes membership toSRAD) 

  • Professional $60.00* 
  • Student $35.00* (Student scholarships are available) 

Payment Options:

To pay online using a credit card please click on theappropriatePayPal icon below. Please note that this will be a secure transaction.

  • Professional $60.00
  • Student $35.00 

Alternatively, you may payby check (made payable to the Societyfor Research in Adult Development). Send to SRAD, 234 Huron Avenue,Cambridge MA 02138

Schedule of Events


Wednesday,April 6


8:00am-12:00pm, 2:00pm-4:00pm  Registration


8:30-10:15 Session 1: Careers, Leadership & Organizational Processes


Their Own Words: How Writers Speak AboutTheir WorkCommitments 

Seana Moran (Harvard Graduate Schoolof Education)


Career orientation as a mediator betweensocially adaptivebehavior in childhood and psychological functioning capacity in earlymiddleage

Lea Pulkkinen, Taru Feldt & Katja Kokko (Universityof Jyväskylä, Finland)


Switching Careers: Factors influencingcareer change intoteaching in Australia

Paul WRichardson & Helen M. G. Watt (Universityof Michigan)


Executive Coaching and Deep Learning

Mary EllenBrantley (Fielding Graduate Institute)


Leadership development as a positiveexperience

PaulAtkins (Australian National University)


Relational aggression in the workplace:  Girls will be women

Dawn E. Schrader, Jessica Greenstone (Cornell University) & JohnPijanowski (Tompkins Community College and  Suny-Cortland)

The relationship between gender, emotional intelligence, andconflict resolution styles among college students

Veronica Sanchez Varela (Suffolk University)

Identifying, Managing, and Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination in Organizations
Alice LoCicero &  Guy Seymour  (
Suffolk University, Network for Multicultural Training in Psychology)

10:30-12:15 Session 2: Models of Development, Cognitive Stages


Evolution and Human Striving

Mike R. Jay, Master Business Coach


The Stages of Atheism

Nicolas Commons-Miller


An Objectively Scored Perry CognitiveDevelopment Inventory

Albert B.Hood (The University of Iowa)

Secondary Analysis of Interviews of aKohlberg MoralJudgment Longitudinal Study Participant

Nancy Nordmann (National-Louis University)


Moral Decision Making among Orthodox andNon-Orthodox Women

Adina R. Schick (NewYork University)


Juror Reasoning: Epistemological Developmentas an

Explanation of Skill Differences Evident ina ComplexReasoning Task

MichaelWeinstock  (Ben-Gurion Universityof the Negev)


Lunch Break: 12:30-2:00


2:00-3:45 Session 3:  Teaching, Learning, andExpertise


Longitudinal study of students’ reflectivejudgment in fourdegree programs using the Steps to Better Thinking model: preliminaryresults

Ellen C. Banks, Dominique Coffie &PamelaRueda (Daemen College)


Design Scenarios as a Measure of AdaptiveUnderstanding

Joan M. T. Walker (Vanderbilt University)


The effectiveness of infusing multiculturalknowledge andawareness into a master’s level internship: A deliberate psychologicaleducation

Edward P. Cannon (Collegeof William and Mary)


HIV/AIDS and the teachers of young children:the FloridaPediatric HIV Inventory

Bridget A. Franks (Universityof Florida), M. DavidMiller (University of Florida)& KristineLandry  (Lake County SchoolSystem, Florida)


Making the Grade: The Developmental andAdjustmentChallenges of College Students with Serious Mental Illnesses

Carol Hren Hoare & Julie Nelson (George Washington University)


Personal epistemology: How can we useresearch to improveteaching?  

Monica Schiefen Van Fleet (Cornell University)

Old age: Are you there yet? Students’perceptions andknowledge of aging

Rebecca Glover &  Nate R. Cottle (Universityof North Texas)



6:00-9:30  Workshop (bring your own take-out dinner)


Hierarchical Complexity Scoring System(HCSS): How to Score Anything


Michael Lamport Commons (Harvard Medical School), Nicholas Hewlett Keen Commons-Miller,Dorothy Danaher (Union Institute & University) & Patrice MarieMiller (Salem State College)


The Model ofHierarchical Complexity presentsa framework for scoring reasoning stages in any domain as well as inany crosscultural setting. The scoring is based not upon the content or thesubjectmaterial, but instead on the mathematical complexity of hierarchicalorganization of information. The subject’s performance on a task of agivencomplexity represents the stage of developmental complexity. Thisworkshoppresents an elaboration of the concepts underlying the Model ofHierarchicalComplexity (MHC), the description of the stages, steps involved inuniversalstage transition, as well as examples of several scoring samplesillustratingadult development using the Hierarchical Complexity Schooling Scheme(HCSS) asa scoring aid.


Thursday,April 7


8:00am-9:00pm Registration


8:00-9:45   Session4: Adjustment, Life Satisfaction and Well-being


Life as Therapy

Donald A. DePoy (NewEngland Schoolof Communication)

Subjective well-being for midlife nevermarried singles

Jessica E. Donn (Miami University)


Getting what you want in life: The FITB-Flex ‘no diet’ diet

Ben Fletcher & Karen Pine (Universityof Hertfordshire)


Spiral Dynamics

Natasha Todorovic (National Values Center)


A Journey to Wellness Following SexualMolestation InAdolescence

Margreta Klassen  (Newport PsychologyGroup)


Support Group Attendance and Mothers’Parenting Attitudes,Values, and Knowledge

Lysa Parker (Attachment ParentingInternational)& Mary Elizabeth Curtner-Smith (Universityof Alabama)


Adult development needs for successfulsustainablemanagement of the environment

Keith Johnston (Australian National University)

  Session 5: Aging and Adjustment in Older Adults

Security Issues Facing Older Computer Users

Galen A. Grimes, Michelle G. Hough,Elizabeth Mazur, &Margaret L. Signorella

(Penn State McKeesport)


Factors related to aging well: the influenceof optimism,hardiness and spiritual well being on the physical health functioningof olderadults.

Cynthia J. Reinhoudt  (The Ohio State University& Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital)


Emotional Responses to Self-Relevant Events:Adult AgeDifferences

Emma Mansour, Monisha Pasupathi, & LukeHanley (University of Utah)

Building Social Capital for Aging Adults

Joanna Gonsalves (Salem State College) &David Crowley(Social Capital, Inc.)

Integrating agency and communion: one kindof age and wisdom

LukeHanley, Monisha Pasupathi &  EmmaMansour (University of Utah)