Adult development Bulletin (Online)
ISSN 2161-5926
(Adult development Bulletin (Print)
ISSN 2161-5918)
The Adult Development Bulletin is the online, open access peer-reviewed journal for the Society for Research in Adult Development and European Society for Research of Adult Development. The international membership of the Societies includes all disciplines who are interested in positive adult development. In keeping with this society's mission, the Adult Development Bulletin is soliciting articles that focus on positive adult development. Positive adult development is concerned with development starting in late adolescence and continuing throughout life. The positive focus is on the changes and expanded capabilities that improve the quality of life of individuals as they adapt to the challenges of adulthood's ages and stages. The Adult Development Bulletin wishes to publish papers that document research and theory on these changes and expanded capabilities. The Adult Development Bulletin will be searchable on databases.
For practitioners, the Adult Development Bulletin offers an opportunity to publish case histories that reflect the latest ideas in the field and that explore the application of those ideas to everyday problems and challenges. The Adult Development Bulletin offers scholars and clinicians the opportunity to share ideas, often in a deeper way, with other researchers and theoreticians through the publication of a variety of papers. Both the Societies, and their journal, the Adult Development Bulletin, support diversity within its membership. Such diversity includes differences in professional status, academic discipline, occupation, race, culture, gender, and sexual orientation. We extend an invitation to all those interested in this field to submit their work to the Adult Development Bulletin, whether their context is adult development in the individual or whether it is development within the framework of families, work, school, or communities.
For more information visit the SRAD website, and ESRAD webpage
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